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Keep It Write Notes Keep Things 1 8 2

If you tend to overcomplicate and over think, then learning to keep things simple will reduce your anxiety and make you feel free to enjoy life as it is.

Write notes and draw in OneNote for Windows 10. OneNote for Windows 10 More. With OneNote for Windows 10, you can handwrite notes and draw or sketch things in your notebook. This works especially well on a device with a touch screen, but you can also draw with a mouse. The new pen set is customizable and portable. KISS, an acronym for keep it simple, stupid or keep it stupid simple, is a design principle noted by the U.S. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.The phrase has been associated with aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson. Things to Write in Your Notes 1. All items written on chalkboards, whiteboards, overheads, or other medium by the professor. If a professor has taken the time to write something down, so should you. Chances are it is important. Any ideas, topics, or material that is. Write your notes on this side of the page. When a new topic comes up start a new section. Use numbers and bullet points to organise clearly. Use colours or highlighting to emphasize important points. In this way it will all be organised ready for you to review later, and you can test.

Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

-Steve Jobs

The great thing about keeping things simple is that you don’t have to become a minimalist, you don’t have to get rid of all of your possessions, and you don’t have to have it all figured out. You just have to keep it simple. Which is to say, that things are already simple.

You don’t have to make it simple. You have to keep it simple. Here’s how you might be overcomplicating things and what to do about.

What I’m learning is that simplicity is a good goal place. But attaining nirvana isn’t always simple. It requires a lot of effort and takes a lot of time.

Simplicity is deceptive.

There’s a misconception that because something is simple, it must be easy. It’s not. Take an Apple product for example. It’s very elegant in its simplicity but it was not an easy product to design. Thousands of plans, meetings, adjustments, trial runs, and tests went into making the phone in your hand.

Keep It Write Notes Keep Things 1 8 2

Keep the idea of what a simplified life looks like for you in mind. Keep working towards that, but be prepared for some hard work in getting there.

If you’re like me, a perfectionist, then simplifying things can sometimes start to feel like you’re not doing enough. What ends up happening is that life starts to become less complicated and the temptation to fill in the space with noise presents itself.

If that’s you too, then rest assured that doing less, having more breathing room, and not saying yes to everything is going to feel awkward for a bit. Resist the urge to fill that quiet space, to buy more, and to say yes when you feel like saying no.

This is where a lot of people get tripped up and head back into a cycle of doing too much and burning out.

Use the mantra this week, “Keep it simple”.

One of the ways that you might be over complicating things is by believing that once you make a decision, things are set in stone. Perhaps you’re looking to make a career move and you think that if you choose between two options that you’re forever stuck.

That’s not true.

Rapidweaver 8 2 1 full. You’re allowed to change your mind and you’re allowed to choose another path if you need to. https://coolwfil384.weebly.com/scott-scba-serial-number-location.html.

Keep it simple by giving yourself permission to feel things out. Have enough faith to know that if you choose something that’s not a good fit, you can recover from that choice.

What works for me may not work for you and visa versa. There is no one-size fits all approach to simple living. You don’t have to have an all white home with white furniture and zero clutter.

One major way that you might be overcomplicating things for yourself is by comparing your life to another person’s. Someone may appear to have it all together, but you don’t really know what it’s like to live their life.

You need to define what simplicity means for you. What are you able to achieve right now? Be honest?

You may have a goal to get rid of clutter in your home or to slowly pull back from responsibilities outside of work, but is it realistic for you do that right now?

Work towards that, but don’t hassle yourself in the process.

Keeping it simple doesn’t have to be complicated. You can let yourself off the hook a little and take it one step at a time. Do you tend to overcomplicate things? What tip jumped out at you? What will you try to do differently? Perhaps you have some tips to share with us. Leave a comment below.

Note taking is an art form and a science. It’s important to have to have a system that works for your memory, your classes, and your sanity. Students who do not know effective note-taking strategies can suffer from a distinct disadvantage over those that have a system. Students that don’t know the correct way to take notes think note-taking is a waste of time.

They have the syllabus, the book, and their friends- what else do you need? The thing is that you take notes on things that you can’t get from these other sources. Macbook webcam drivers.

Sometimes your teacher offers tips or actual answers on the test, or gives an example that helps you remember the concept better. There’s also the chance that you have a lecturer that tests on what they taught, and not what you can read.

Note-taking makes life a lot easier to handle when it comes time to take big tests and write papers. Good note-taking helps you recall information that you can easily forget months or weeks later, and it also helps keep you focused on the material taught in class.

Why Should I Take Notes?

True learning stems from active listening and comprehension. Note-taking gives students and professionals a mechanism to store information and process it at a later date. If you write it down, there’s a lot better chance that you will be able to remember it when it matters most.

It’s hard to trust your memory in college. Whether you’re going part-time or full-time, there’s a lot going on in your life, and let’s face it- there’s not very many of us that have an eidetic memory. If you’re taking one class, it’s a lot easier to remember things. If you’re taking 5, especially if they have similar subject matter or concepts, it’s going to be more difficult to keep things straight.

Taking notes also gives you focus on what’s important in the textbook from the perception of your professor or teacher. On the flip side, it also allows you to expand on concepts that the textbook might not have covered very well or very briefly.

Effective notes encompass a wide array of important facts, definitions, names, and dates and concepts that relate to the subject matter. By melding your notes with the additional facts and information provided to you, you’ll not only be able to score a good grade or ace that test- you’ll actually remember the stuff to apply it in the real world.

Preparing to Take Notes

First things first- don’t try to capture everything that happens in a lecture on paper. It’s virtually impossible to transcribe any lecture word-for-word, even if you record it. Be sure to focus on the most important aspects of the material to avoid confusion, and then you won’t waste time and hassle from having to wade through every detail when it’s time to prepare for a big test or term paper.

With that mindset, the next thing you need to figure out is what kind of organizational system you want to use. Are you going all digital, or are you planning on using the old-school notebook? Some people type faster than they write, but hand-written notes give you a way to focus on specific concepts rather than trying to transcribe things word-for word.

Once you choose the method that works best for you and allows you to participate and understand the concepts discussed, then you can figure out which note taking system works for that subject or helps you recall the information later. Here’s several different methods that might work from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo:

The Cornell Method

A systematic format for condensing and organizing notes without laborious recopying. After writing the notes in the main space, use the left-hand space to label each idea and detail with a key word or “cue.”

Rule your paper with a 2 ½ inch margin on the left leaving a six-inch area on the right in which to make notes. During class, take down information in the six-inch area. When the instructor moves to a new point, skip a few lines. After class, complete phrases and sentences as much as possible.

The Outlining Method

Dash or indented outlining is usually best except for some science classes such as physics or math.

  1. The information which is most general begins at the left with each more specific group of facts indented with spaces to the right.
  2. The relationships between the different parts is carried out through indenting.
  3. No numbers, letters, or Roman numerals are needed.

The Mapping Method

Mapping is a method that uses comprehension/concentration skills and evolves in a note taking form which relates each fact or idea to every other fact or idea. Mapping is a graphic representation of the content of a lecture. It is a method that maximizes active participation, affords immediate knowledge as to its understanding, and emphasizes critical thinking.

The Charting Method

If the lecture format is distinct (such as chronological), you may set up your paper by drawing columns and labeling appropriate headings in a table.

Keep It Write Notes Keep Things 1 8 2020

Determine the categories to be covered in the lecture. Set up your paper in advance by columns headed by these categories. Frizzix 1 6 23. As you listen to the lecture, record information (words, phrases, main ideas, etc.) into the appropriate category. https://bestnfiles163.weebly.com/malwarebytes-for-macbook-pro.html.

The Sentence Method

Write every new thought, fact or topic on a separate line, numbering as you progress. Use this when the lecture is somewhat organized, but heavy with content which comes fast. You can hear the different points, but you don’t know how they fit together. The instructor tends to present in point fashion, but not in grouping such as “three related points.”


Keep It Write Notes Keep Things 1 8 2019

(Source: Cal Poly Student Academic Services)

Keep in mind that it might take a few lectures before you figure out the best method to use.Once you decide on the right method, you’re ready to go to class and take excellent notes.

Tips on Taking Notes

Keep It Write Notes Keep Things 1 8 20

  • Try to get to the lecture on time.
  • Be alert and prepared for the lecture-make sure you have set yourself up for success.
  • Make sure your laptop or tablet has a charge, and if you use a notebook, bring a pen.
  • Take note of items that are called out as ‘not in the textbook’- those things are usually on the test.
  • Review the lecture notes or slides before class so you have an idea of what concepts are going to be covered, and where you might need to ask a question or take better notes.
  • Take five minutes to review notes immediately after class. So you can change, add, summarize, erase, or clarify information in your notes.
  • Participate and ask questions- it reinforces and clarifies the subject matter
  • Stick to a method of note taking that works for you
  • Don’t rely on your friends for notes- there’s a good chance they grasp concepts very differently from you, and will take notes that might not help you.
  • Pay close attention around the end of the lecture. Some speakers find themselves lagging behind and may cram the rest of the material during the last ten to fifteen minutes.

Good notes give students a great reference point to start studying. Effective note-taking provides students with direction and instills good organizational skills. Just remember that 8% of everything you learn from a lecture comes through listening and asking questions- so be prepared and you just might learn something!

Want to learn more? Check out these links for other great references on note-taking!

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